
This module contains all the utilities to launch a WSGI micro server (highly recommended in production mode).

uApp Objects

class uApp()

Represents a lightweight application server that can handle HTTP requests, optionally wrap its socket with SSL, and run in a testing mode.


  • handler BaseHTTPRequestHandler - HTTP request handler.
  • host str - The hostname for the server.
  • port int - The port number for the server.


def __init__(host: str = "",
             port: int = 5000,
             loglevel: int = 20,
             handler: BaseHTTPRequestHandler = route.uHTTPRequestHandler)

Initializes the uApp instance with a specified host, port, logging level, and request handler.


  • host str - Hostname for the server. Defaults to “”.
  • port int - Port number for the server. Defaults to 5000.
  • loglevel int - Logging level. Defaults to 20 (INFO).
  • handler BaseHTTPRequestHandler - Request handler. Defaults to route.uHTTPRequestHandler.


def __call__(environ: dict, start_response: Callable) -> bytes

Enables the application to be callable as a WSGI application.


  • environ dict - The WSGI environment dictionary.
  • start_response callable - A callable to start the HTTP response.


  • Callable - The response iterable.


def wrap() -> bool

Wraps the HTTP server’s socket with SSL if a certificate and key are available.


  • bool - True if the socket is successfully wrapped with SSL, False otherwise.

def run(ssl: bool = False)

Starts the HTTP server, optionally wrapping the socket with SSL. This method is designed for testing purposes only.


  • ssl bool - If True, wraps the server’s socket with SSL. Defaults to False.